Will Solar Panels Get Cheaper? The Secrets of Solar

Are you interested in learning about solar energy and its potential to revolutionize our sustainable future?

With the costs of installing solar systems rapidly declining, it is no surprise that homeowners are turning to this renewable energy source to save money on their electricity bills. But what else should you know before investing in solar power equipment?

In this blog post, we will explore the secrets of solar systems, uncover the financial implications of solar panel installation, understand why working with local contractors can be beneficial, and look ahead at the potential for further cost reductions.

By delving into these key topics, you can gain a better understanding of how investing in a solar system now can save you money in the long run.

The Impact of Solar Energy

Home solar panels on roof

Solar energy is a renewable source of power that harnesses the sun’s rays to generate electricity. Installing a solar photovoltaic system, or solar PV system, is an alternative to the more destructive techniques used in traditional power generation, such as burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. The environmental benefits of solar are clear; it produces no emissions or hazardous waste and doesn’t require finite resources.

Solar energy has had a profound impact on how we generate electricity. It has opened up new economic opportunities and enabled communities to become more self-sufficient and independent from traditional power sources. Solar is also a critical factor in reducing global emissions, making it an essential part of the solution to climate change.

The financial impact of going solar is considerable. In addition to the savings from reduced energy bills, solar investing can create new jobs and income streams for homeowners and businesses alike. Solar installations often qualify for solar incentives and tax breaks, making them more attractive investments. Additionally, when you purchase solar panels, you are fixing your electricity rates for the system’s lifetime, protecting you from future rate hikes.

Financial Implications of Solar

When considering whether to go solar, it’s essential to understand the financial implications involved. Let’s explore some key aspects:

Lowering Power Bills and Saving Money

One of the significant financial benefits of solar is the reduction in power bills. By generating your own electricity, you become less reliant on traditional energy sources, resulting in lower monthly utility expenses. This can translate into substantial savings over time, helping homeowners save money and potentially offset the initial solar prices.

Solar Incentives and Credits

In addition to the savings on power bills, there are also tax incentives and credits that can help defray some of the solar panel costs. Federal, state, or local government programs may offer a solar investment tax credit, making them even more affordable.

Increasing Home Value

Installing a solar system can also increase the value of your home. Homes equipped with solar panels tend to have higher market values than those without solar installations. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, homes with solar saw quicker sales up to 20%. Buyers recognize the long-term cost savings and environmental benefits of solar, making solar-equipped homes more appealing in the real estate market.

Mitigating Losses During Blackouts

Solar systems equipped with battery storage provide added protection during power outages. With a solar panel system and battery storage, you can continue to generate and use electricity even when the grid is down. This capability can help mitigate losses and provide peace of mind during emergencies. While solar panel installations have upfront costs, incentives can help offset the total price.

Estimating Costs and Savings

Understanding how much solar panels cost requires considering the initial investment and long-term savings. Factors such as system size, location, and available solar savings can affect overall costs.

Future Trends and Affordability

As technology advances and economies of scale improve, solar panel prices are expected to become more affordable. Ongoing developments in solar panel efficiency and manufacturing processes contribute to the downward cost trend. Additionally, federal government incentives and policies promoting renewable energy adoption can further drive down the cost of solar panel installation.

Understanding the financial implications of installing solar panels is crucial for individuals looking to make a sustainable and cost-effective investment. Solar energy offers numerous financial benefits with a lower electricity bill, tax incentives, increased home value, and potential savings over timeal benefits.

Who You Choose to Work With Matters

House with solar panels on roof

Choosing a trusted solar contractor is crucial when it comes to installing your solar system. A reliable contractor ensures that the installation process is done correctly and efficiently, maximizing the benefits of solar for your home or business. To hire the right solar contractor, follow these steps:

Do Your Research

Start by researching different solar contractors in your area. Look for local companies with a proven track record, positive customer reviews, and industry certifications. Check their experience and expertise in the solar industry. By working with a local contractor with expertise in roofing and general construction, you’ll be able to ensure your project is done correctly and safely.

Schedule a Free Consultation/Quote

Once you have a list of potential contractors, schedule a free consultation or quote. This allows you to discuss your solar system needs and gather information about the contractor’s services, products, and pricing. During this consultation, ask about the warranties offered and any maintenance or support they provide after installation.

Determine Your Budget

Before finalizing a solar contractor, determine your budget for the installation. Consider the upfront costs, available financing options, and potential long-term savings from solar. Reputable solar installation companies will work with you to find a solution that fits your budget while maximizing the return on investment.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you choose a trusted solar installer who meets your specific requirements and provides high-quality service. This way, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your solar system is in capable hands, and you can enjoy the benefits of renewable energy for years to come.

Why You Should Compare Solar Companies

Home with new solar panels

Comparing solar contractors is essential to ensure that you make an informed decision and choose the right contractor for your solar project. Here are the key areas in which contractors can vary:


Contractors can differ significantly in terms of how much solar energy costs. It’s crucial to obtain quotes from multiple solar installation companies and compare them to understand the cost breakdown. Remember to consider the long-term savings, return on investment, and upfront costs. For example, if you choose to finance your solar investment, you may be able to finance for less than you pay for electricity and have free electricity once your loan is paid.


Solar contractors vary in their expertise and experience. Look for contractors specializing in solar installations with a proven track record in completing similar projects.

Your Experience

Consider the overall experience that the contractor provides. Are they responsive, professional, and willing to address any concerns or questions you may have? Read customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the satisfaction level of previous clients. A good contractor will prioritize customer satisfaction and provide exceptional service throughout installation.


Assess the contractor’s professionalism by evaluating their communication skills, transparency, and adherence to industry standards. A professional contractor will provide clear and detailed contracts, explain the installation process, and inform you about project milestones and any necessary permits or inspections.


Contractors may vary in terms of project timelines and scheduling. Discuss the estimated timeline for your solar installation with each contractor and consider factors like their workload and availability. Ensure that the contractor can meet your desired timeframe while maintaining quality workmanship.

By comparing solar contractors in these critical areas, you can make an informed decision and select a contractor that meets your budget and delivers high-quality work, exceptional service, and a smooth installation process.

Researching, gathering quotes, and evaluating these factors will ultimately lead to a successful solar project and a reliable solar contractor.

Working With a Local Contractor

Solar Panels by MexLucky Energy

When installing solar panels, working with a local contractor like MexLucky can be beneficial for several reasons. Not only will you get personalized service tailored to your specific needs, but you’ll also benefit from the local community support the contractor provides.

Personalized Service

Unlike large national installers, local contractors offer personalized service and can help guide through the process. From understanding energy usage habits to finding the right sized system for your home, customers enjoy one-on-one attention from experienced professionals. This level of expertise can alleviate some of the stress associated with solar panel installations.

Local Community Support

In addition to personalized service, local contractors provide a level of support from the community. Working with a local contractor means you can call and expect an immediate response if there is ever an issue with your system. Having this kind of direct access to experts can help avoid long waits for repairs if something goes wrong.

Increased Accountability

Since local contractors are rooted within the community, they often have a vested interest in providing excellent customer service. This increased accountability means customers can trust their solar contractor to deliver quality results and provide reliable assistance when needed.

Local Expertise

Moreover, local contractors have an intimate knowledge of the best installation practices in your area. This means they can help identify potential obstacles and provide tailored solutions to ensure a successful installation. Local contractors also tend to be more accessible than large installers, offering customers peace of mind regarding their investments. By working with a local contractor, you can enjoy a more personalized and reliable service than you would with a large installer.

At MexLucky, we understand the importance of providing exceptional customer service and are proud to offer our community the best in solar solutions. We strive for excellence by providing personalized service, local support, and high-quality installations.

Our contractors are not only solar professionals but also roofing experts, meaning we can protect the integrity of your home throughout the entire installation process.

If you want to learn more about how investing in solar power can save you money in the long run, don’t hesitate to contact us today! We look forward to helping you explore how much solar panels cost and working with you to create a more sustainable future.

The Current Cost of Solar

The average cost to install solar panels for solar energy systems varies based on various factors. These factors include:

Type of Solar Panel

Different types of solar panels, such as monocrystalline or polycrystalline, can have varying costs. Monocrystalline panels generally tend to be more expensive but offer higher efficiency.

Installation Fees

The installation cost can vary depending on the complexity of the project and the contractor you choose. Additional services like roof repairs or electrical upgrades may also affect the overall installation fees.

Geographical Location

Your geographical location can influence the cost of solar panels. Local labor rates, permitting requirements, and regional market conditions can impact the installation cost. Prices can also vary depending on what direction your roof faces or if you prefer to choose a ground mount.

Size of Home/Job

The size of your home and the energy requirements will determine the size of the solar system needed. Larger homes may require a higher capacity rooftop solar system, leading to increased costs.

Energy Consumption Levels

The amount of energy your home consumes will affect the size and cost of the solar system. Homes with higher energy consumption may require larger installations, leading to higher prices.

It’s essential to consider these factors when evaluating the cost of solar panels for your specific needs. Consulting with a trusted rooftop solar contractor will provide a more accurate estimate based on your unique circumstances and requirements.

Will Solar Panels Get Cheaper?

Solar energy has gained significant traction in recent years as a clean and renewable power source.

As more individuals and organizations embrace sustainability, one common question arises: will solar get cheaper?

Let’s explore the potential factors that could contribute to making solar cheaper.

Technological Advancements

One of the primary drivers of decreasing solar costs is technological advancements. Over the years, there have been significant improvements in solar panel efficiency, manufacturing processes, and materials used. These advancements have led to increased production volumes and economies of scale, ultimately lowering the overall cost of solar panels.

Research and Development

Research and development (R&D) investments play a crucial role in reducing the cost of solar. Governments, private companies, and academic institutions actively invest in R&D efforts to enhance solar technology. With ongoing innovations, such as new materials, improved cell designs, and advanced manufacturing techniques, the cost of solar panels is expected to decrease.

Increasing Demand and Market Competition

The growing demand for solar energy worldwide has resulted in increased market competition. More players entering the solar industry means greater competition among manufacturers and suppliers. This competition can drive down prices as companies strive to offer more affordable solutions to attract customers. As a result, solar panels may become more accessible to a broader audience.

Government Incentives and Policies

Government incentives and policies promoting renewable energy adoption can also contribute to reducing solar costs. These financial incentives, like the 30% solar tax credit, help offset the upfront cost for consumers and businesses, making solar energy more financially viable.

Economies of Scale

As the solar industry continues to grow, economies of scale come into play. With increased demand and production, manufacturers can optimize operations and reduce manufacturing costs. Bulk purchasing of materials and standardized installation processes further contribute to cost reductions. These economies of scale are expected to reduce the overall cost of solar panels.

While the exact trajectory of solar panel prices cannot be predicted with certainty, there are promising indications that solar will become more affordable.

Technological advancements, ongoing research and development, increasing market competition, government incentives, and economies of scale all point towards a potential decrease in the cost of solar panels.

As solar continues to gain momentum as a sustainable alternative, the prospect of more accessible and affordable solar power becomes increasingly likely.

Embracing solar not only benefits the environment but also presents a viable solution for reducing your electricity bill in the long run.

Unlock The Potential of Solar

In conclusion, solar presents an opportunity to create a more sustainable future. With technological advancements, government incentives, and increasing market competition driving down the cost of solar panels, it’s only a matter of time before we begin to see a reduction in the overall price of solar energy. Investing in solar power can help you save money on electricity costs over the long term and reduce your environmental footprint.

If you’re ready to unlock the potential of solar, contact MexLucky – a trusted local solar contractor in your area. We’ll help you understand all the factors involved in transitioning to solar and provide an accurate estimate for your unique needs. Start building a brighter future today!