The Solar Panel Installation Process from Start to Finish

The Solar Panel Installation Process from Start to Finish

The process of designing a solar energy system is a bit more complicated than mounting a panel to your roof. Instead, it takes a great deal of insight from a professional eye to determine which solution works best for your location, budget and energy expectations.

How Does the Solar Panel Installation Process Work?

The process of installing solar panels with MexLucky Energy involves step-by-step considerations. It’s a collaboration between the solar panel experts, as well as the homeowner. Every job must go through each of these six steps:

  1. Customize Your Solar Plan: The installer will evaluate your home, take measurements and make calculations to ensure it’s an ideal fit. For example, south-facing roofs are more suitable, but you can also place them on the west or east-facing structures. An engineer will use a specific tool to see how much sun the panels will receive at your given position.
  2. Complete the Design Agreement: We will review and make adjustments according to your evaluation that’s also up to par with our standards. Our professionals will work with you to find a solution that matches your budget, and we’ll assess how much power you will want the system to have.
  3. Obtain the Appropriate Permits and Interconnection Agreement: MexLucky Energy installers will submit the design to the city government for permitting. Once it’s approved, we can begin the real work!
  4. Install the Panels: Before installation, we’ll go over the plan with you one last time and receive final approval. Installing panels is not difficult for our team of professionals — we’ll fix the frames onto the roof, then the panels onto the frames. Flat rooftops require more time because we will angle the panels toward the sun. We’ll also install the inverter, which converts the direct current of the solar panels to the alternating current of the grid.
  5. Have the Job Inspected: Officials from the city or county you live in will conduct a final inspection before we connect the panels to the grid.
  6. Notify Your Utility Company: The last step is to submit your documents to the utility company. They will permit you to begin operating, and you’re good to go!

solar panel install process

Our Particular Solar Panel Installation Process

MexLucky Energy has a five-step installation process to give you quality solar energy solutions with superior craftsmanship, which includes:

  1. Reviewing your site and electrical bill
  2. Providing you with a free quote
  3. Creating a contract and project schedule once you decide to move forward with the installation
  4. Submitting all necessary paperwork
  5. Working with you to determine a convenient time to begin the project

Rely on MexLucky Energy to Customize Your Solar Solution

With our extensive knowledge and experience, we can find what works for your residential or commercial building, no matter how unique your situation. We are dedicated to helping each of our customers find a solution that works best for them and will be the most beneficial for their business or home. Contact us for a free consultation today!