Ways to Save Energy While Working From Home

saving energy working from home

If you’re currently working from home, energy efficiency is likely at the forefront of your mind. With modern technology, being able to work remotely is easier than ever before, so more and more businesses are able to offer their employees this option. Whether you work from home a few days a week or work there exclusively, you’ve most likely found that it offers benefits ranging from eliminating long commutes to avoiding uncomfortable office environments.

Because you are spending more time at home, though, you’ve probably seen an increase in your energy consumption — and your energy bill. After all, you’ve got your lights on, appliances running, and multiple gadgets active all day long. Fortunately, there are plenty of quick and easy ways you can save energy when working remotely.

How to Save Energy When Working From Home

There are many simple changes you can make in your daily routine that will help you save electricity at home. Here are five energy-saving tips:

1. Open Your Blinds

Opening your blinds and curtains can help with regulating the temperature inside, preventing you from having to crank up the heat if your home tends to stay cool. Open blinds also allow natural light to flood in so you don’t have to rely on lights and lamps to light your workspace.

2. Minimize Your Electricity and Electronic Usage

Whenever you are not using electricity sources, such as your room lights, be sure to switch them off. Additionally, whether it’s your printer, laptop or TV, keeping electronics plugged in all the time can draw energy even when they are not in use.

3. Switch to a Power Strip

Instead of using a wall socket, plugging your devices into a power strip can help you save on electricity. Also, having all of your work-related devices such as your laptop or printer plugged into one power strip makes it easy to switch them off at the end of the day.

4. Use Energy Efficient Devices and LED lighting

If you are currently using equipment that requires a lot of power, switching over to energy-efficient versions can lower your daily energy consumption. Just look for the Energy Star symbol when trading-in or buying new electronic devices. Also, though LED lights cost more, they last much longer and they cost two to three times less to operate.

5. Upgrade to Solar Panels

Electric solar energy systems can help you save energy and minimize your current electric bill by generating natural, renewable power. Solar panels also come with the added benefit of financial security against future electricity price increases, economic situations, or events like COVID-19. Plus, solar panels provide you with tax credits, Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs), and commercial tax advantages.

Contact MexLucky for Solar Panel Installations and Improved Energy Efficiency

While the majority of our energy-saving tips are a matter of changing your daily routine, the only change that will eliminate or greatly reduce your electric bill is switching to solar energy.

COVID-19 has increased the amount of time people are home which in turn has increased electric usage. This is a great time to consider going green and switching to solar energy. Solar energy will either eliminate your electric bill or greatly reduce it. If you are reluctant to go solar because of the cost, consider you can finance now with zero down and interest rates starting as low as 2.99%. When you finance, you pay your loan instead of your electric company, and you are freed from future electric price hikes. At some point, you will be free from paying for electricity and just harness your power from the sun. If you want to imagine a day when you are no longer paying high electric bills then call us at 855-465-2473.

Call us for a free estimate. Our experienced team will deliver quality installation services and our North American-made solar electric panels will last for decades. Contact us today and make your home more energy-efficient than ever before.